20 C
Sunday 9 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


The meeting, research and development laboratory

Petroleum engineer, founder of the parachemical company EECA, Dominique Rio has designed a new process for regenerating used oils, suitable for deposits...

The low-carbon cement revolution reaches the Indian Ocean

It is at the professional center of the Ravate group, and more precisely to its president and CEO, Abdoullah Rafate, that we owe the introduction to La Réunion by....

EDF inaugurates a photovoltaic power plant at the Port

On October 27, EDF Renewables inaugurated a solar power plant with a capacity of 4,6 MWc, qui fournira l’équivalent de la consommation électrique annuelle de...

The overseas CCAS make their voice heard

Organized by the National Union of Municipal Social Action Centers (UNCCAS), les premières rencontres des solidarités des Outre-mer se sont tenues à La Réunion du...

First partnerships for the Albioma foundation

Created last June, la fondation d’entreprise de l’énergéticien Albioma a commencé à échanger avec les réseaux associatifs ultramarins pour détecter et soutenir des...

Two new varieties of “R” sugar cane

Two new varieties of sugar cane resulting from the eRcane selection process were officially presented on November 22. Elles ont été baptisées...

Cilaos thermal baths : CRC recommendations

The regional audit chamber of Reunion Island made public the recommendations addressed to the Department at the end of October, en charge en régie directe de...

SMTR changes name

The Mixed Transport Syndicate of Reunion (SMTR), public establishment bringing together the organizing authorities for the island's mobility (Region, Casud, Cinor, Cirest,...


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