18.1 C
Friday 7 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Vivo Energy Réunion continues its local strategy

O’Tacos at the Engen gas station in Bras Fusil, G La Dalle at the Engen du Chaudron service station : Vivo Energy Reunion, la société distribuant...

A President at the top

Camembert market leader, the major brand of the Lactalis group, who celebrated his 55th birthday in 2023, has largely contributed to maintaining the....

Camembert, quintessential French cheese

An OpinionWay survey, carried out for the President brand on the image and current uses of Camembert, montre qu'il demeure toujours aussi populaire auprès des...

Our return to school with Clairefontaine

The damage caused by cyclone Belal did not prevent, very fortunately, a return to school in good conditions in Reunion. In...

The butcher’s profession in the spotlight

The Country Beef sector benefited from the Lokal Show, early September, to highlight the butcher's profession. Le premier concours du meilleur...

Asmodee's full basket for Christmas

In the program : novelties, essentials and surprises. Major entertainment player in France with its subsidiary Asmodee France (huit millions de jeux vendus...

The meeting, research and development laboratory

Petroleum engineer, founder of the parachemical company EECA, Dominique Rio has designed a new process for regenerating used oils, suitable for deposits...

The low-carbon cement revolution reaches the Indian Ocean

It is at the professional center of the Ravate group, and more precisely to its president and CEO, Abdoullah Rafate, that we owe the introduction to La Réunion by....


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