21 C
Sunday 19 January 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Labor shortage in transport and logistics

To deal with the recruitment problem, the Nemo Institute, Parisian school of transport and logistics, launched a pilot class in Île-de-France dedicated to....

Securing videoconferencing against AI risks

Tixeo, French publisher of secure videoconferencing software, reports that in mid-September, an expert from Wavestone warned of new opportunities for cyber attackers..

Automated marketing, an underexploited growth opportunity

A majority of marketing managers believe that automation would save several hours of work per week and per employee. However, a minority declares....

Gaïa Groupe writes a new chapter in its history

Le spécialiste réunionnais de solutions énergétiques pour le bâtiment et l’habitat Gaïa Groupe s'associe au fonds d’investissement privé Spice Capital. Cette collaboration ouvre un...

Monetize your group retirement savings plan and account

Since the Pacte law, numerous changes to employee savings schemes have taken place. Among other provisions, les salariés peuvent désormais monétiser leurs jours de...

Innovation and ethics : the challenges of Intellectual Property in the era of AI

Lorsque vous générez des images via Midjourney pour vos campagnes publicitaires, vous êtes-vous déjà demandé si votre concurrent pouvait les reprendre ? Est-ce que je...

Accounting : a clementine-colored zebra

The Nancy-based online accounting start-up clementine.fr reveals the impressive figures of its projections : 20 million euros in annual recurring revenue (ARR) in...

What is the image of organic stores among the French??

Mis en difficulté par l’inflation, le circuit des magasins spécialisés bio a connu en métropole près de 200 fermetures et une chute de sa...

Transport maritime : Syroco reduces carbon emissions from ships

Now combining satellite weather forecasts and AI-driven travel optimization, the Syroco EfficientShip platform allows its users to optimize their routes,...

TheTimeChanger, a watchmaking revolution

SilMach, the French deeptech pioneer of silicon micromechanics, marketed in October on the Kickstarter platform, les premiers exemplaires d’une montre...


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