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Monday 10 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


The flawless performance of Ker Métis

Launched in 2018, Breton biscuits with Reunion flavors from the Ker Métis biscuit factory have, in just five years, trouvé leur place dans le...

The most beautiful tables in Reunion in 2024

Le Guide Kaspro 2024, independent gastronomic guide to Reunion Island which brings together all the styles of cuisine offered on the island, dévoile sa sélection des...

TikTok, X, ChatGPT : who will do well in 2024?

Data.ai, the world leader in the analysis and valorization of mobile data, reveals its predictions for the mobile applications market in 2024. The year..

Canal+ Réunion is committed to the future

It is in the presence of Christine Cauquelin, director of documentaries and “Découverte” channels of the Canal+ group, qu’ont été remis les trophées aux lauréats de...

Seventh edition of the Business Trophy & Territory

CPME Réunion and Antenne Réunion launched the 2024 edition of the Enterprise trophy at the end of December & Territory, qui récompense les initiatives locales dans le...

Réuni’Pro becomes more and more professional

Réuni’Pro, the Reunion label of reliability and quality for companies in the construction sector, fête ce début d’année en remettant les trophées...

Video game : Reunion wants to win its game

Regional Association of the National Video Game Union, the Bouftang Collective led, in partnership with the Western Territory and Canal Box Réunion,...


From February 24 to March 3 Paris expo, porte de Versailles Coup d’envoi, Soon, for the 60th edition of the International Agricultural Show! In 2024, le Salon...


Continuité à la tête de l’État Facilement réélu au premier tour en novembre, le président malgache sortant Andry Rajoelina a opté pour la continuité en...


Des navettes maritimes en projet La DEAL de Mayotte a lancé mi-janvier une enquête auprès des usagers de la route de l’agglomération de Mamoudzou, in...


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