23.1 C
Monday 10 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Towards local recycling of plastics

Founded by Paul Soubaya, the Réunion Valorisation Environnement company (RVE), specialized in the depollution of waste electrical and electronic equipment, won in 2022..

Develop a powerful business network : the secrets of depth and efficiency

Have you ever assessed the depth of your professional network? ? Maybe it's a kilometer wide, but one centimeter thick ? The importance of a wide-area network is undeniable,...


Alignement de l’assiette des cotisations sociales pour les travailleurs indépendants Jusqu’à présent, self-employed workers (artisans, tradespeople, professionals, liberals, lawyers, self-employed agricultural workers) contributed....

Tax audit : increased penalties for fraudsters

In the event of aggravated tax fraud, the finance law for 2024 adds an additional penalty : deprivation of the benefit of a tax reduction...

Tightening of taxes on vehicle registration

With the aim of accelerating the greening of the vehicle fleet, the finance law for 2024 adjusts taxes on vehicles. • Increase in prices...

Reductions and tax credits

• The tax reduction for providing a fleet of bicycles is extended for three additional years, i.e. until December 31, 2027. • THE...

Electricity tariff shield and shock absorber

Bien que l’énergie ne devrait pas connaître en 2024 de flambée des prix comme cela a pu être le cas en 2022 et en...

New tax credit for investments in green industry

La loi de finances instaure un crédit d’impôt temporaire en faveur des entreprises qui réalisent des dépenses d’investissement dans les secteurs d’activité contribuant à...

Everything you need to know about the 2024 finance law for businesses

Income tax, tax credit changes, TVA, local taxes, tax audits… : Philippe Hupé and Laure Virazels, respectivement associé et fiscaliste de...


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