Inflation affecting the agri-food sector and the implementation of quotas by certain companies are shaking up the consumption habits of “bubbles” of....
The French brand of organic tonics and sodas is entering the growing market for aromatic blends and alcohol-free bitters.
Created in 2019, the French brand....
Le Dry January, which is celebrating its fifth edition in France this year, has now become, every year, le mois privilégié du lancement des nouveautés...
With the different approach of alcohol substitutes, Cœur de Pom’ represents another way of approaching the nolow market. La marque lance le premier jus...
Le Guide Kaspro 2024, independent gastronomic guide to Reunion Island which brings together all the styles of cuisine offered on the island, dévoile sa sélection des..., the world leader in the analysis and valorization of mobile data, reveals its predictions for the mobile applications market in 2024.
It is in the presence of Christine Cauquelin, director of documentaries and “Découverte” channels of the Canal+ group, qu’ont été remis les trophées aux lauréats de...