15.9 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Glass recycling : Reuse Invest

The Réutiliz association moved up a gear in March by acquiring a semi-industrial bottle washer. At a cost of 92,000...

Air Austral suspends routes

Air Austral’s flight program for the new air season (from April 1 to October 27) is marked by the crisis context..

Oskar : inclusion begins in front of the small screen

Designed by the German brand Faller, Oskar was born from the love of a son for his father, suffering from hearing loss and who was getting tired..

Boho Green Skincare launches a make-up removing treatment oil

Boho Green Make-Up enriches its Skincare range with its first organic makeup remover care oil, enrichie en huiles de noyaux d'abricot et de graines...

The art of good times with Intex

Five new features, to relax alone or with family,from the above-ground family pool specialist Intex. NOUVEAU PURESPA GALAXIE Son design arbore une finition...

Bonux in the top 5 washing powders

The return of Bonux laundry detergent and its gifts, he and one, was acclaimed by the French. In 2024 Bonux accelerates....

Scrabble reinvents itself

After more than seventy-five years of bringing together fans of all ages around letters and words, Scrabble gets a makeover with,...

Mattel : an AI in a board game

Dans Pictionary vs IA, players must try to thwart the deductive power of artificial intelligence Quick, Draw ! the Google. As for the....

Freedent Refreshers : the freshness that brings back a smile

The new Freedent Refreshers sugar-free chewing gums provide an instant feeling of freshness. Freedent Refreshers chewing gums are instantly recognizable, gourmet cubes with...


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