The La Perrière group (LP Group) opens on May 3, on the logistics center of the Roland-Hoarau activity zone, la plateforme de stockage intermédiaire...
Food Hotel Tech, the hotel and catering trade show, took place on April 3 and 4 in Paris. The 2024 edition was shaping up to be a flagship event for....
The 2023 balance sheet of the regional bank of Crédit Agricole Mutuel La Réunion-Mayotte was made public at the beginning of April.
From year to year, le Crédit agricole...
Another notable Reunion initiative, SFR Business Réunion is launching a Cyber Academy in April in collaboration with the training organization specializing in IT, l'Académie...
You are an entrepreneur, eager to see your business prosper and grow? SO, you have probably already heard of strategic alliances. Do you really know how....
Avec Aquasolo Outdoor, the French watering specialist Hozelock brings an ancestral irrigation method up to date.
Hozelock offers a range of ollas (« can » in...