19.8 C
Monday 10 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


La Fournaise now has an arranged to its name

The brand new arrangement from Maison Isautier pays homage to the volcano by combining Victoria pineapple and vanilla with bird’s eye chili. We do not present....


Le FMI accorde une bonne note L’économie seychelloise a poursuivi son redressement en 2023, said the head of a delegation from the Monetary Fund in early April..


The European Union, premier partenaire économique En 2022, trade between the Comoros and the European Union amounted to 81 million euros (+7,2 %...


Les effectifs de Madagascar Airlines vont fondre Avec seulement deux avions petits porteurs dans sa flotte, Madagascar Airlines (the merger of Air Madagascar and Tsaradia)...


Climat des affaires morose L’inquiétude grandissante des acteurs économiques mahorais s’est accentuée au 4e trimestre 2023, according to the latest economic report from Iédom. The indicator....


Omnicane : du charbon à la biomasse Le groupe Omnicane annonce sa volonté d’éliminer graduellement l’utilisation du charbon dans ses deux centrales électriques de Saint-Aubin...

Art and Industry on the island

An original project : the painter Allan Stephens creates a series of paintings in voluntary companies illustrating Reunion’s industry, with the support of...

Sign, the wardrobe open to the winds of destiny

Ālamārī means “wardrobe” in Gujarati. Signed by Reunion designer Yassine Ben Abdallah, this tamarind wood furniture evokes the history of the company..

The night market shines again

The artisanal meeting, friendly and family-friendly Saint-Denis made its big return on April 6, first Saturday of the month, et il en sera...

The best baguette in Reunion at the Case à Pains

Baker of the Ermitage Bread Case, Aymerick Bissay won the regional competition for the best traditional French baguette. Organized by the....


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