20.4 C
Monday 10 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Food algae : a new green gold

In their publication “Food algae : a promising market », published in March 2024, the Échos Études analysts provide a complete overview..

Student internships abroad thanks to GBH

More than 750 internships and more than 90 scholarships awarded : GBH has been a partner of the Marguerite-Jauzelon high school in Bellepierre for twenty years. The group....

Boost your growth : the secrets of successful referral marketing

Just like the opera, referral marketing requires careful preparation to be fully appreciated and, Above all, to bear fruit. Imagine yourself facing....

Rippletide, AI at the service of salespeople

According to a recent study by the consulting firm Boston Consulting Group (BCG), l’utilisation de l’IA générative ferait gagner cinq heures par semaine à 60...

Telecom Meeting : labeled trust

Collection solutions advisor, Réunion Télécom est la première société française à voir renouvelée la labellisation du Groupement des cartes bancaires pour la troisième...

Priority neighborhoods : Initiative Réunion presses the accelerator pedal

Since 2021, the Réunion Initiative network, supported by Bpifrance and the Réunion Region, accompagne les créateurs d'entreprise et les porteurs de projet issus ou...


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