16.5 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting



L’inflation ralentit Le taux d’inflation s’est élevé à 2,7% in July, after 2,2% in June and 5,9% in July 2023, selon Statistics...

Franciaflex says stop mosquitoes

Made to measure, Protec’ mosquito nets are designed to provide total protection against external aggressions : pollen, mosquitoes, flies and crawling insects....

On every adventure, its ONE+ tool

Ryobi Introduces Five New 18V ONE+ Tools Designed for Outdoor Recreation. Practical and nomadic, they accompany users on their escapades..

Indian Ocean

La COI a un nouveau secrétaire général Edgard Razafindravahy a succédé le 15 juillet à Vêlayoudom Marimoutou au secrétariat général de la Commission de l’océan...


Le téléphérique de Tananarive bientôt opérationnel Le président de la République Andry Rajoelina a effectué un premier trajet en téléphérique, last June 21, above...

The pearls of Fabulosa

Newly arrived in France at Action, the English star with half a million subscribers on social networks continues to delight an entire community of enthusiasts and....

Bonux and Asterix from one generation to another

Relaunched by the SME Héritage, the iconic laundry detergent with the famous gift has already found more than 400,000 loyal consumers in one year (source Nielsen). Of...

Caresse Créole signs a new nectar : Lettuce

The range of Caresse Créole nectars is enriched with one of the favorite flavors of Reunion Islanders : lychee. It’s a real taste experience, developed with....

Yop pineapple : New limited edition

The creamy Yop to drink with pineapple flavor ! Le plus iconique des yaourts à boire nous fait cet immense plaisir de lancer une nouvelle édition...

HF2 vacuum cleaner : Hoover combines power and lightness

Hoover launches its new HF2 cordless stick vacuum cleaner. Suction power, légèreté et maniabilité sont les caractéristiques principales de cet aspirateur balai au design...


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