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Saturday 15 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Seafood market : numbers

La Direction de la Mer Sud Océan Indien a fait réaliser en 2020 une étude relative à l’organisation et la structuration du marché des...

SMEs resisted the crisis

L’étude Image PME de l’Ordre des experts-comptables montre que les PME réunionnaises ont relativement bien résisté à la crise sanitaire au terme des trois...

The number

700 millions d’euros C’est le niveau de progression de l’épargne des ménages réunionnais, measured by Iédom, between December 2019 and September 2020. « Cette situation...

Port Reunion : -4% in 2020

The Grand Port Maritime was also affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. Tonnages processed decreased by 4% in 2020, en mettant...

Historic decline in air traffic in 2020

The final figures from Roland-Garros airport for 2020 confirm the first estimates : over the year, traffic dropped by 58,2%. La plate-forme a...

A Reunion project candidate for the La Fabrique Aviva competition

Specializing in the supply of street furniture made from 100% recycled plastic, la société réunionnaise Empreinte Urbaine veut aller plus loin avec son projet ValoPlastic....

Dynamic salaried employment thanks to ETIs

Between 2008 and 2017, 9,500 jobs were created in the commercial sector, hors agriculture, in the meeting, measured INSEE. Dans tous...

Public employment : nearly one in three jobs

Fin 2018, 80,900 people worked in the public service in Réunion, almost one in three employed people, selon les derniers...

Against illegal work in the landscaping sector

The landscaping sector represents 220 companies in Reunion, i.e. 750 active people including 550 employees. Il dégage un chiffre d’affaires annuels de 45...

The winning strategy of Point CHR Distribution

Serving professionals, Point CHR Distribution, branches from Cilam, met en oeuvre une nouvelle approche commerciale par circuit qui constitue une véritable...


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