Maternal Creamy Vegetal, Pom’Potes Fruits from our regions and Pom’Potes 5 Fruits are practical snacks in bottles to appeal to children, adolescents and adults,...
Recognized for the excellence of its vintages and its know-how, the Champagne house Duval-Leroy reveals the secret of making its rosés.
Maison familiale et...
Pour fêter ses 120 ans d'existence, la célèbre marque Milka annonce le déploiement d'une campagne de communication massive qui mise sur la gourmandise et...
Faced with the very sharp rise in production costs in the agri-food industry, les entreprises françaises tirent le signal d’alarme et demandent à tous les acteurs...
The directors of four French companies serving overseas territories (Air Austral, Air Caraibes, Corsair et French Bee) and ASL Airlines France, which serves Algeria, ont...
Ocean Spray, leader mondial de la cranberry, lance Pink Cranberry, the first range of sparkling drinks made from pink cranberry.
Petites baies de la...