17.1 C
Thursday 13 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Talents du service public : three open classes

The University of Reunion responded to the call for expressions of interest launched as part of the “Public service talents” plan, visant...

11 million euros for 9 projects

As part of the Exceptional Investment Fund, le ministère des Outre-mer apportera un soutien global de 11 millions d’euros à 9 projets territoriaux réunionnais....

St.Paul : CBo expands Marie-Caze

CBo Territoria announced on May 18 the delivery of the luxury residence Les Damiers 1, to Marie Caze, quartier résidentiel créé sur...

Ecological transition | opportunities to seize

The “Springboard for the ecological transition of VSE-SME” system, financed as part of France Relance, gagnerait à être mieux connu des...

Recovery plan : the first agricultural projects selected

Le préfet de la Réunion a présenté le 28 mai une première liste de projets locaux d’ores et déjà retenus dans la cadre du...

Solar power on a thermal power plant

EDF-Production électrique insulaire a mis en service début mai une centrale photovoltaïque en ombrière sur le parking de la centrale thermique du Port Est....

Carglass started its activities

After the first Carglass center in the Canabady area, in Saint-Pierre, open at the end of April, that of the Chaussée Royale, in Saint-Paul, a suivi un...

The ambitions of Club Export

“The year 2021 is a turning point conducive to renewal. The health crisis has disrupted international trade by also accentuating changes. Le Club...

Air France will not come to Mayotte

Air France denied in early May the rumor of its imminent arrival on the Paris-Mayotte route, via Nairobi. « Nous ne desservirons pas Mayotte...


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