20.4 C
Wednesday 12 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Champagne chilled in K-Way

Maison Veuve Clicquot has teamed up with K-Way for a most unexpected collaboration : a freshness case with the appearance of the famous jacket. L'une...

Jeanlain unveils a unique triple beer

Brasserie Duyck offers a unique reference : la Jenlain Triple, an unfiltered blond beer. With this traditional recipe, la marque réaffirme son...

Hervé Mariton, new president of the Fédom

Hervé Mariton a été élu le 26 mai président de la Fédération des entreprises d’Outre-mer (Fédom), pour cinq ans. Il avait été brièvement ministre...

Jean-Marc Escalettes : an experience of Orange in all its dimensions and facets

Having held important positions within the Orange group internationally and in mainland France, un pilote expérimenté est à la barre d’Orange Réunion...

Echoes : the incognito observation in the service of marketing

Echoes is the first participatory crowd marketing application in Reunion, specialized in findings, controls, surveys and satisfaction surveys. I-Echoes, la startup réunionnaise...

Amazot.re : the first major e-commerce platform in Reunion

Bringing together the offer of more than 50 merchants from its launch, the new Amazot.re marketplace, convenient for traders and consumers,...

Manger, read and work at Koru Café

Eighteen months after its creation, Koru Café, healthy restaurant space associated with a bookstore and a coworking space, reste un...

Cash Converters : second-hand refurbished

Yesterday reserved for modest budgets, now celebrated as intelligent and responsible consumption, l’achat et la revente d’occasion attirent une clientèle de plus en...

Bourbon Wood Experience : appointment made for the opening at the end of the year

As planned by its manager, Morgane Osta Friend, the opening of the construction site of the future Bourbon Bois Expérience manufacturing and production plant,...


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