17.6 C
Monday 10 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Future-as-a-Service : the platformization of the economy

A new trade map has emerged : that of ecosystems. Commerce has elected its new leaders for several years, les GAFAM américains...

The health system remodeled by Artificial Intelligence

Health is the first sector soluble in Artificial Intelligence. The whole medical process, from diagnosis to daily monitoring is driven by AI, appuyé...

Multimodal and connected mobility

Mobility is now conceived in a multimodal and connected way, faisant du logiciel — ou software — le vecteur d’une profonde transformation du secteur...

A business undergoing radical transformation

The world of commerce is changing, evolves, is transformed, to better understand the new uses dictated by the health crisis. Du streaming au self-checkout ou...

Welcome to the post-pandemic world

Covid-19 has caused the digitalization of commerce and consumption to jump by several years in just a few months, reléguant son mode...

Snowleader unveils its new trekking collection

The brand new Snowleader collection was developed in collaboration with Ferrino, la marque italienne de montagne aux tentes et sacs de couchage techniques...

Electronic invoicing : EBP anticipates the 2025 deadline

Publisher of accounting solutions, commercial management and payroll, EBP poursuit ses investissements dans la gestion de la facturation électronique qui sera généralisée d’ici...

The third Indian Ocean Meetings

Initially planned for May, the third Indian Ocean Meetings take place from June 9 to 11 at MOCA Montgaillard (St Denis) with...

The acceleration of digitalization without return

The crisis was the trigger for an unprecedented acceleration of digital in our lives. Jamais l’humanité n’avait passé autant de temps derrière ses...


Les caisses ont commencé à envoyer leurs plans d'apurement aux entreprises qui avaient reporté le paiement de leurs cotisations. Les plus en difficulté peuvent...


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