Having held important positions within the Orange group internationally and in mainland France, un pilote expérimenté est à la barre d’Orange Réunion...
Echoes is the first participatory crowd marketing application in Reunion, specialized in findings, controls, surveys and satisfaction surveys.
I-Echoes, la startup réunionnaise...
Yesterday reserved for modest budgets, now celebrated as intelligent and responsible consumption, l’achat et la revente d’occasion attirent une clientèle de plus en...
As planned by its manager, Morgane Osta Friend, the opening of the construction site of the future Bourbon Bois Expérience manufacturing and production plant,...
New packaging, shield quality price, industrial equipment limiting plastic packaging, support a local artist : the spirit of rice, message of equality, d’entraide et...
Business Network International (BNI) has been the world leader in business recommendations in France for 36 years, in Europe and around the world. Ce...
Garantie de meilleure rémunération, accompagnement vers une agriculture durable, contribution au maintien de territoires ruraux : l'ONG Max Havelaar France présente un nouveau dispositif...