Leading French manufacturer of plant-based alternatives to meat, “Les Nouveaux Fermiers“ change de nom pour s’adresser à toutes celles et ceux qui souhaitent adopter...
Designed for the end of year celebrations, les gammes Dégustation et Territoires d’Exception de Petit Navire accueillent cette année trois nouvelles références qui nous...
Brenda Velechy, co-manager and commercial. Cindy Velechy, co-manager, operations manager. Jimmy Velechy, responsible for the management and administration of the company. Jean-Marie Sateya, commercial....
The Reunion company specializing in underwater work and heavy handling, established a partnership with the Taylor Smith Group, engagé également dans les...
The company Cementis Investment, filiale de Taylor Smith Investment (TSI), based in Mauritius, a fait l'acquisition de la filiale ciment de l'ex-Lafarge (Maurice). Of...
The ecological transition is among the commitments made by Prince de Bretagne market gardeners, presented at the start of 2021. In terms of packaging, ils ont...