Tourist clientele, corporate customers, but also daytime customers taking advantage of hotel services and entertainment : les deux établissements du Pôle Hôtelier du...
The board of directors of the Real Estate Company of the Department of Reunion (CIDER) named Thierry Ouillon, en qualité de directeur général pour une...
Les nouveaux bâtiments du Pôle de Protection des Plantes du Cirad, in Saint-Pierre, ont été inaugurés le 22 novembre par Frédérique Vidal, ministre de...
For calculations of the number of companies, INSEE took the company into account in its legal definition. According to this approach, les secteurs marchands non agricoles...
After Saint-Pierre and Saint-Paul, Saint-Denis launched its rental offer of electrically assisted bicycles on November 19. Elle se décompose en deux...
In 2020, the University of Réunion associated with two Mauritian universities launched the SWIO project (Solar and Wind energy in the Indian Ocean)....
The University of Réunion and the Research Institute for Development (IRD) are partners in three mixed research units : Espace-Dev (space observation,...