26 C
Sunday 9 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Perfect your sales methods

Sale is a demanding job. Every year, only 24 % of sellers exceed their objectives, ce qui entraîne souvent un niveau de stress...

International employee mobility

International mobility practices in companies are multiple and constantly evolving. Today, les services RH doivent construire des packages conformes à...

Managers, take on the challenge of a new position !

Newly appointed, recruited or promoted, you need support. Mais vous avez le sentiment que demander de l’aide pourrait représenter un premier aveu...

Former sans stress !

Parent, teacher or trainer, who has never been confronted with a feeling of helplessness in the face of a blocked situation between teacher and learner ?...

Human ecology and efficient business

Ecology, defense of the environment, save the planet… Companies are now taking these concerns seriously ! Cette prise de conscience a produit des...

Business for everyone in 60 days

How to stand out from the crowd and become the leader every company is looking for ? How does business really work? ? Pourquoi les consommateurs...

Pack greener

If the habit does not make the monk, the boxing experience begins right from the moment you receive the package. Et si comme moi vous expédiez des...

Ux : the user experience little practiced by French companies

Une enquête de Ferpection, start-up de conseils et d'études d’expérience utilisateur (UX) pour l'amélioration des sites, applications mobiles et projets omnicanaux, dévoile de profondes...

France active reunion launches its website

www.franceactive-reunion.org is dedicated to economic players in Reunion. Ergonomic and easy to use, this site presents the association’s offering in an exhaustive and user-friendly manner. THE...

Businesses : changes and challenges in the short and medium term

The health crisis has led to major transformations in all companies and organizations in the broad sense.. Walter France livre les enseignements de...


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