Created in 1987, the Orange group foundation operates through calls for projects. Its privileged field of intervention : l’éducation et l’insertion professionnelle des jeunes...
Since January 1, The anti-gaspillage law for a circular economy (AGEC), dont l’objectif est d’atteindre en 2040 le zéro plastique jetable, interdit de...
Following the success of the first edition of the call for projects devoted to land recycling, l’État renouvelle le dispositif permettant de répondre aux besoins...
Teleworking and the recruiting experience are at the heart of their concerns, reveals a survey by recruitment solutions specialist CleverConnect.
Cette enquête a...
The Cave Coopérative Alsacienne Wolfberger adds Pinot Gris Luxuriance to its Aromatic collection already composed of the Crémant Insouciance and Riesling Élégance vintages.
Faisant partie...