The specialist in oral hygiene solutions Elmex, qui n'était distribuée qu'en pharmacies et parapharmacies, is now available in supermarkets in Réunion. The range ...
Able to destroy viruses, bacteria and volatile organic compounds, the Lyon Airxôm mask caused a sensation at the last CES 2022 in Las Vegas.
Airxôm a...
New in the fresh section in the dessert category, the brand with the little flower innovates with Dolce Vita Crème Dessert Pistachio, un des parfums...
Corbeille d’or completes its family in the sauce department by launching a new product eagerly awaited by Reunion consumers : the boucané flavor. La marque iconique...
At 29 years old, 35% of young men from Reunion still live with their parents, compared to 16% in mainland France, montre une étude récente de l’Insee...