Parent, teacher or trainer, who has never been confronted with a feeling of helplessness in the face of a blocked situation between teacher and learner ?...
Une enquête de Ferpection, start-up de conseils et d'études d’expérience utilisateur (UX) pour l'amélioration des sites, applications mobiles et projets omnicanaux, dévoile de profondes... is dedicated to economic players in Reunion.
Ergonomic and easy to use, this site presents the association’s offering in an exhaustive and user-friendly manner. THE...
Pour répondre aux interrogations et aux difficultés de certaines personnes dans l’usage des outils numériques, Orange Réunion Mayotte propose localement à partir de novembre...
Already present in Saint-Pierre, Saint-Leu, Saint-André and Saint-Denis, the R’Electro brand, specialized in household appliances, multimedia and home equipment, a ouvert un nouveau...