In 2021, Reunion Island welcomed 250,812 foreign tourists, according to the annual survey commissioned by the IRT. The figure increases modestly by 15,7% par rapport...
L’Armeflhor (Reunion Island Association for the Modernization of the Fruit Economy, vegetable and horticultural) s’est vue remettre le 2 mars au Salon de l’agriculture le prix...
The prefecture has modified the schedule of pre-electoral procedures, with a view to new elections of members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry,...
Until then, the Martin-de-Viviès base, on the island of Amsterdam, produced its energy only with generators powered by diesel. Ces groupes fournissaient l’électricité indispensable au...
With 18 medals, Reunion does better than previous years in the General Agricultural Competition organized on the occasion of the Agricultural Show. Les confituriers...
L’Institut d’émission des départements d’outre-mer a publié récemment les taux des crédits aux entreprises et aux particuliers pratiqués à la Réunion en 2021. The...