Organized by the Village by CA Réunion, this unique event in the region brought together a panel of entrepreneurs on October 3, of investors, of actors from....
Air Safety Meeting (RAS) celebrates its twenty-five years of activity this year. Founded in 1999, RAS embodies the success of a Reunion company anchored in....
Reprise touristique confirmée
Les derniers chiffres de la fréquentation touristique malgache confirment la reprise du secteur, which, however, has not yet returned to its previous level..
France Travail focuses on innovative solutions for sustainable recruitment. The idea is to open the doors of companies to job seekers to allow them....
Souveraineté partiellement retrouvée sur les Chagos
Un litige territorial vieux de plus d’un demi-siècle a été tranché le 3 octobre. That day, the United Kingdom and....
After the success of the Précieuse collection, celebrating whales and marking Mascarin’s collaboration with the scientific association Globice, the Réunion chocolatier has...