17 C
Tuesday 11 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


An “Al Capone strategy” to fight illegal fishing

On average 80 million tonnes of fish are reported caught at sea each year. À ce nombre pourraient s’ajouter jusqu'à 26 millions de...

Prices down by 0,8% in September

The consumer price index in Reunion Island fell by 0,8% in September 2024 compared to August, according to INSEE. The costs...

Vaccination coverage : insufficient against measles

The regional vaccination coverage survey carried out in 2022 among the Reunion population gave contrasting results. Ils ont été publiés début novembre par...

RCE 15-20 : simplicity and efficiency

STILL élargit sa gamme Classic Line avec la nouvelle série de chariots élévateurs électriques RCE 15-20, 100 % lithium-ion. Conçus pour des tâches de manutention...

The young chef Larissa makes Réunion shine

Last November 7 in Paris, chef Larissa Rajaonarivelo won over the jury of the international gastronomic competition La Cuillère d’or. An announcement made by....

The Region and Bpifrance are offering a “relaunch loan”

The Réunion Region and Bpifrance launched the “Réunion recovery loan” on November 5, intended for small businesses wishing to finance a development program..

Still fewer births in Reunion

The number of births continues to decline in Reunion, according to the latest data from INSEE. In 2023, He has reached his lowest point..

More than 170,000 housing units to be built

If demographic trends and modes of cohabitation continued, 172,500 housing units would need to be built until 2050, deducting those built since 2021,...


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