On the occasion of European Sustainable Development Week, end of September, Deal presented ODDetT (Sustainable Development Objective and Territory): une application...
À l’approche des vacances scolaires, Orange Réunion a annoncé que ses clients 5G disposant d'une offre et d'un mobile compatibles pouvaient désormais profiter de...
The Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises of Reunion Island announced at the end of September the upcoming creation of an approved prevention group (GPA). Ce...
Selon la loi promulguée en 2015, la compétence agricole est exercée par les régions. La Réunion fait jusqu’ici figure d’exception, le Département ayant conservé...
Derichebourg Ocean India, which brings together Derichebourg Environnement and the Mooland group, won a major contract with Civis in October. L'entreprise assurera...
The latest assessment of extended producer responsibility sectors (REP) is intended to be encouraging, with a slight increase of 3% in collections. 54 098...