23.1 C
Saturday 1 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Green fund : 22,7 million for Reunion

Announced by the government in August 2022, the Green Fund, or Fund for accelerating the ecological transition in the territories, est opérationnel à La...

Cost of life : a planned parliamentary inquiry

The Price Observatory, des marges et des revenus de La Réunion s’est félicité de la création d’une commission d’enquête parlementaire sur le coût de...

Unemployment insurance reform : Overseas excluded

Time to finalize unemployment insurance reform, entered into force on February 1, 2023. In particular, it is planned, on a national level, une possibilité...

Fight against illegal work : two new agreements

L’État et la Caisse générale de sécurité sociale de La Réunion ont signé le 30 janvier deux conventions régionales de lutte contre le travail...

Health, it’s also culture

A multi -year culture and health convention (2023-2027) a été signée le 3 février dernier par la Direction des affaires culturelles (DAC), l’Agence régionale de...

Shield Quality Price + : still too many breakups

Three months after signing the Price Quality Shield price moderation agreement, occurred on November 2, 2022, la préfecture a...

INSURED program : energy management more necessary than ever

The launch of the ASSURE program website provides an opportunity to remind people that energy management reduces electricity bills, mais aussi...


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