20.4 C
Wednesday 12 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Lili, the lamp that corrects dyslexia

The Norman start-up Lili for Life presents a new version of its Lili lamp and unveils a screen intended for dyslexic people. L’entreprise normande Lili...

The Mauritian MARIDEAL platform in Reunion

The market for online booking sites for holidays in Mauritius is changing with the arrival in Reunion of a new player : MariDeal.re....

The Region renews its support for the Réunion Initiative Network

A replenishment of 400,000 euros from the honorary loan fund, the network financing tool, a été accordée par la Région Réunion pour soutenir...

The country focuses of the Club Export Réunion

Country focuses offer a targeted approach to information on export opportunities from the island. Two have already taken place in Indonesia and,...

Reunion companies and CSR

Organized in collaboration with the digital and environmental transformation consulting agency Isodom, the second talk from the communications agency Imagecorp, end of June, portait...

L’instant by CA : Frédérique Bedos in Reunion

Producer and director Frédérique Bedos was in Reunion at the end of June, répondant à l'invitation de la Caisse régionale du Crédit Agricole. Producer and director,...

Working differently with Olokaï

Created in April 2022 by Coralie Fridmann, l’agence événementielle Olokaï fait de l'écoresponsabilité un principe et un mode opératoire au service de ses clients...

Educ-Up achieves the largest fundraising in the history of ULTRAMARINE START-UPS

The Reunion start-up, social and solidarity company pioneering socio-educational solutions for early childhood, a levé au mois de juillet sept millions d’euros....

Happy Elephant invents a new ecological detergent

The Japanese company Saraya launches and produces an innovation in France with the Happy Elephant brand, la dernière génération de produits écoresponsables d’entretien pour...


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