24.8 C
Wednesday 12 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


At the Redunion, we love the cinema

Establish yourself comfortably in a movie theater, it is, When the lights go out, Go for a motionless journey which we know will make us live ...

A flawless journey to Promocash

For Marie Laurence Law-Hune too, tout a commencé par un stage… « Le groupe fait confiance aux jeunes réunionnais, opportunities are there to be seized ! » testifies...

Indian Ocean

Un carrefour des dirigeants à Antananarivo Le Syndicat des industries de Madagascar et l’agence de communication Becom organisent les 5 et 6 décembre à Tananarive...

GBH featured at EGC Business School

The celebration of 15 years of partnership between the GBH group and the Chaudron management and business school gave rise to, the...

Creating the jobs of tomorrow

Thanks to the Réunion Region, Reunion job seekers have the opportunity to be supported in the creation of an impactful professional project..


Lettuce : récolte en baisse La campagne de récolte des letchis a débuté le 12 novembre sur la côte est de Madagascar, in an atmosphere....

ILIAD, the Franco-Indian campus project

After a scientific conference in Lyon in May 2024, members of the Franco-Indian ILIADE campus (innovation through plants and AI for India and...

Ewan Lample Surgery, best apprentice pastry chef in Reunion

After seven hours of ordeal, Ewan Lample Opéré finished in first place in the regional competition for the best apprentice in France specializing in Pastry Chef. The...

Cyclonex : The 2024 Reunion facing the unknown

After the passage of cyclone Belal this year, Freddy in 2023 and Batsirai in 2022, les services de l'État travaillent avec les...

Fibre : Zeop anticipates tomorrow's needs

The fiber leader in Reunion is upgrading its network to XGPON, the most efficient fiber optic technology in the world...


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