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Monday 10 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


CBo : 9,8 million euros profit in the 1st half

CBo Territories, which achieved a turnover of 41,7 million euros (+25%) in the first half of 2023, annonce un résultat net part du groupe...

HEC Stand Up encourages female entrepreneurship

For the third consecutive year, le dispositif HEC Stand Up a été déployé à La Réunion afin de permettre à des femmes de réorienter...

Appeal to citizens of the Regional Chamber of Accounts

After a first edition launched in 2022 at the national level by the Court of Auditors, les chambres régionales de comptes ont initié en septembre...


Like many sectors, the field of marketing is undergoing a radical transformation thanks to the integration of artificial intelligence. The promise of increased automation, d’une...

The advantages of franchising to convince young people

If the crisis has visibly stimulated the desire of young people to launch their own business, elle a aussi renforcé les craintes et la conscience du...

The rise in credit rates slows down

“The average interest rate on new maturity cash loans is stabilizing (-8 basis points, pdb) between January 2023 and April 2023, announcement...

Business failures are increasing

With 570 business failures recorded between April and June, the 2nd quarter of 2023 is characterized by a clear deterioration in Overseas Territories. Les défaillances...

Three new companies labeled Nou la fé

First companies to submit their application with the new award process, three producers obtained the Nou la fé label : a food SME,...

Prices started to rise again in July

After an unexpected drop of 0,3 % in June, les prix à la consommation sont repartis à la hausse (+1,1 %) in July, according to...

Corsair making strong progress

According to the specialist media TourMag, Corsair was preparing to close a euphoric 2022-2023 financial year at the end of September, with 643 million euros in turnover. Soit 21...


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