26 C
Sunday 9 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


More than 600,000 counterfeit drinks seized

Customs officers from Reunion and Marseille received congratulations from the government, September 19, for a particularly spectacular capture. To the...

Shenaz Zadvat elected entrepreneur of the year by L’Eco austral

Shenaz Zadwat, at the head of the office furniture company Offital, a été élue « entrepreneure de l’année » par le mensuel économique régional L’Éco...

An intercommunal media library in Le Chaudron

The first stone of the Chaudron intercommunal media library was laid on August 23, à proximité du mail du Chaudron et de...

Orange deploys 5G in Cilaos

Orange officially inaugurated its 5G mobile telephone network (in 3,5 GHz) in Cilaos, September 15. Il couvre pour l’instant le centre-ville...

French Tech advocates parity

La French Tech La Réunion affirmed its commitment to gender equality by organizing two workshops dedicated to parity, the...

Université, Agricultural credit, Village by CA : renewed partnership

The University of Reunion, le Crédit Agricole Mutuel de La Réunion-Mayotte et le Village by CA Réunion ont reconduit début septembre le partenariat noué...

More than 1000 foreign students in Reunion

L'université de La Réunion s’illustre par son niveau d’internationalisation : 1056 étudiants de 68 nationalités y étaient inscrits pour l'année universitaire 2022-2023, et elle...

Overpayment in the crosshairs of the Court of Auditors

The Court of Auditors returned to the charge, mi-september, on the thorny subject of additional remuneration for overseas civil servants, auquel elle avait consacré...

World Clean Up Day : 28 tonnes of waste collected

Mi-September, 7,000 Reunionese participated in the World Clean Up Day, consistant à ramasser des déchets dans la nature, mais surtout à sensibiliser la...


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