19.3 C
Thursday 6 March 2025
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Articles published by

Redaction Leader Meeting


Milka, Côte d'Or and Toblerone ready for the great Share of Easter

On améliore, mais on ne change pas une équipe qui gagne. Telle est la philosophie de Mondelez International, numéro deux du marché du chocolat...

Easter : Nestlé meets the need for novelty

Après une année 2024 plutôt morose, 2025 s’annonce plus favorable… Notamment pour Pâques, le premier grand rendez-vous familial de l’année, moment fort des joies...

Yumgo reveals his miniFormats in the Sirha

Le leader européen des substituts végétaux à l’œuf, créé en 2019 par Anne Vincent et Rodolphe Landemaine, baker-pastry chef, qui ciblait jusque-là les professionnels, lance...

Daisuki to conquer the instant noodle market

After meeting success last April when it was launched in mainland France, The brand of instant noodles inspired by Street Food..

Nouveau : Diego Boudou refreshes gourmets

Unmissable brand in Reunion, Diego reinvents our favorite fruit drinks in a refreshing new form : The Diego Boudou. These frozen sticks..

The red : Beer with Péi flavors

Bourbon breweries strike strongly with a novelty that will not fail to make an impression : The red, first large red beer..

Reunion at AI time

The meeting, like any other territory, must find his place and have his say on the planet IA, who seems to turn ...

Armament of mascareignes is given the means of its ambitions

With its new latest generation -led logistics logistics platform, operational since the end of February, The Reunion leader of frozen triple his capacity..

The new European packaging regulation

The new European regulation on packaging and packaging waste or packaging and packaging was regulation (PPWR) was published in the Official Journal of ...

Teralta launches a pioneer factory for local carbon cement production

In a global context where the ecological transition becomes a priority, From the blade, Subsidiary of the Audemard group, major actor in building materials, crosses a ...


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