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Tuesday 4 March 2025

TV audiences : Antenna Réunion still in the lead


Médiamétrie's Métridom study on television audiences in Réunion in January-March 2024 shows that Antenne Réunion is still in the lead while Réunion is the 1st, far behind, declines slightly compared to the same period of 2023.

According to this study, free DTT channels represent 56,4% cumulative audience, those of the paid offer 42%. Antenne Réunion remains well ahead of the most watched channels, with 39,8% cumulative audience over the period and 29% audience share. It falls by almost three points in cumulative audience compared to the Métridom study from January-March 2023. In second position, Réunion la 1ère obtains 25% cumulative audience and 14,8% audience share. The public service channel has declined in one year : in January-March 2023, his score was 27,4% in cumulative audience. Its audience share was, however, lower (14,2 %). France 2 is the third most watched channel on the island (7,2% cumulative audience), in front of Canal+, France 3, France 5 et France Info. If Novelas TV comes in last position, with 2,5% cumulative audience, it is the channel that captures the most attention of its audience, with two hours and sixteen minutes of average viewing time per viewer. As a reminder, cumulative audience counts the number or percentage of different people who watched a television channel during a given period, regardless of the duration of their viewing. In the meeting, which has 718,500 inhabitants aged 13 and over, the cumulative audience point represents 7,185 people. Audience share is the share that the listening time of a channel represents in the total listening time of the media. The sum of the audience shares of all media is equal to 100%. The Métridom study was carried out in Réunion from January 22 to March 31, 2024, from a sample of 1,740 people representative of the population aged 13 and over, interviewed in French or Creole by computer-assisted telephone interviews.

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