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Friday 7 March 2025

assure : the Reunion energy management label


At a level equivalent to ISO 50 001, the assURE label puts energy management certification within the reach of small and medium-sized industries. The first received the label last June. ADIR is carrying out this project, financially supported by ADEME and the Réunion Region and accompanied by EDF in Réunion.. It targets 20 certified companies in 2024.

Energy management is not reserved for large companies : this is the message from ADIR through the assURE program. ADIR has been promoting energy management to its members since 2005. In 2017, the assURE program has taken its action a step further. “Operational, local and adapted to the local VSE-SME”, the assURE program allows industrial VSE-SMEs to implement energy management certified by a Reunion label. This label is in fact based on “ISO 50 001 compatible” specifications.. Industry represents 20% of the island’s electricity consumption, ADEME, the Réunion Region and EDF in Réunion provide their support for this long-term program, the first two financially, EDF in the form of technical support. Concretely, the company enters into an agreement with ADIR and the assURE program results in the implementation of an energy benchmark within the company. The company adopts an energy management system. An inventory begins by assessing the need (material, method, formation…). The program finances 50% of the technical services used by the company to implement its energy management system. (with an additional bonus from ADEME possible up to 30%). The assURE program also relays the training of energy referents in the industry thanks to the PROREFEI program (MOOC, internship and individual support in a work situation) : educational costs are covered at 100% for companies with fewer than 300 employees, 50% beyond this number. Three levels of labeling, illustrated by three logos, certify the company’s commitment to the process : I take my first steps, I ensure on a daily basis, I insure for the future.

A certificate valid for two years

By launching this program, ADIR had set itself the objective of labeling twenty companies by 2024. To date, 14 have responded to his call. Eight were audited and received the label (the assURE Trophies awarded last June rewarded these first “good students”). Inspired by ISO 50 001 procedures, the audit is based on a self-assessment grid supplemented by supporting documents proving the accuracy of the responses. The assURE certificate is valid for two years. The company carries out its self-assessment after one year. Which amounts to an annual check.

assURE, a business community

The 14 ADIR companies involved in the program represent a wide range of situations. Some, like SAPHIR or Logistisud, launched when they were already ISO 50 001 certified in order to give their commitment a more local influence and unite a community of businesses around the assURE program. Others started the process when they were just starting to think about the subject. Others finally, who did not yet feel ready three years ago, subsequently joined the program. This is in fact open to new candidates all the time.. It is planned to create a website dedicated to the assURE program which will give a more community dimension to the program by facilitating exchanges of experience between companies..

Quality and energy saving label

An energy management system is equivalent to a method of continuous improvement. As such, it is a guarantee of quality. The benefits ? The savings made possible by energy optimization are estimated, on average, between 10% and 20% of energy consumption, but it can be higher (see opposite the example of Ovocoop). In addition to cost control, energy management is a collective project which concerns all services and involves all functions of the company. Finally, the company benefits from this image : assURE demonstrates a societal and environmental commitment.

Contact : Ophélie Tlemsani, “Industry environment” project manager at ADIR : 0692 88 66 80 – ophelie.tlemsani@adir.info


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