Known for its award-winning péi vodka in an international spirits competition, the Domaine des Tourelles distillery extends its range of tasting alcohol to new flavors. The recipes are ready. Wilfrid Lebon and Sarah Mussard were only waiting for the bottles to be delivered. It's done : end of March, At the beginning of April, They will start marketing a new range of alcohols : lettuce, Verbena fishing, mango peppery josé and fresh corn (from tender corn grains).
Distillerie aromas was born in October 2020. The distillery became known for its vodka, They’K. A sweet potato alcohol that appealed to the jury of the top spirit competition which awarded him a gold medal, to the surprise band of Wilfrid and Sarah who did not expect it at all. "We were looking for professionals on our products," said Wilfrid Lebon, Former chef who trained at the Rhumerian distillery in the Antilles. The medal gave visibility to the distillery whose production, that remains limited, Barely soared for sale. Besides the sweet dough vodka, Distillery aromas produces a excellent gin and agricultural rum to which will be added the new scented alcohols. Reunion spirits were not mistaken. Whiskey house, caves, restaurants, bars (Vanilla nanas in Saint-Pierre also) begin to distribute their products which are of course also available on site at the Tourelles Domaine. Production being limited, It is advisable to order (0693 028 458).
Franck Martin