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Saturday 1 March 2025
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Indian Ocean

Indian Ocean

Îles à vendre aux Maldives Seize îles et îlots des Maldives, put up for sale by the country's government, visibly struggling to find a buyer. Their price was recently revised downwards by 30% and ranges from 300,000 to more than a million euros.. Buyers have until June 10 to register. Seriously impacted by the health crisis,...


Le Club Med inauguré Le Club Med Seychelles a été inauguré le 21 avril dernier sur l’île de Sainte-Anne, after two years of work, in the presence of the President of the Republic Wavel Ramkalawan and the president of the French group Henri Giscard d’Estaing. The 5-star establishment was created in place of the former Beachcomber Sainte-Anne and offers 295....

Indian Ocean

Liberté de la presse en baisse Dans la région Le classement 2021 de la liberté de la presse dans le monde, compiled by Reporters Without Borders, shows a decline in the countries of the southwest of the Indian Ocean, with the notable exception of Seychelles. 57th, Madagascar loses three places. “The precariousness of Malagasy journalists and media makes them particularly vulnerable..


Coûteuse insécurité La montée de l’insécurité coûterait entre 12 500 et un million d’euros par an aux entreprises, according to the Collective of the Economic World of Mayotte formed last year. These additional costs come from investments in reinforced protective equipment (iron curtains, grilles), more means of surveillance (cameras, security guards) and greater time constraints, in particular to allow....


Déficit démocratique Déjà montrée du doigt en raison de ses difficultés à convaincre l’Union européenne – et maintenant la Grande-Bretagne – de la transparence de son secteur financier, Mauritius sees itself demoted by the V-Dem Institute, a Swedish institute at the University of Gothenburg that studies democratic systems around the world. In the latest V-Dem ranking, sister island...


La vanille de synthèse en procès Le secteur malgache de la vanille observe avec attention la vague de procès engagés depuis l’année dernière aux Etats-Unis par des associations de consommateurs contre des industriels de l’agroalimentaire pour publicité mensongère. These companies are accused of misusing the term “vanilla” for products incorporating vanilla vanillin..


Chinese generosity Chinese Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, devoted the last leg of the tour he made in Africa in early January to the Seychelles. On this occasion, China donated $11 million to Seychelles, dont 4,6 million targeting renewable energy projects. The opportunity to open a direct air line between....


Long track project : réserves environnementales L’Autorité environnementale de l’Etat a publié le 23 décembre dernier un avis plutôt critique sur le projet de construction d’une piste longue à l’aéroport de Mayotte. She particularly points to the inadequacy, at this stage, assessments of the impact of dredging in the lagoon, but also extractions of materials necessary for the construction site....


The ADB supports electricity projects. The African Development Bank granted Madagascar a loan of 42 at the end of December,9 million dollars intended to finance the strengthening of the country's electricity network. A very high voltage line (220 000 volts) will be built, over 135 kilometers, between the capital Antananarivo and the city of Antsirabé. In particular, it will make it possible to transport....

What a rebound in the Indian Ocean ?

Uneven economic recovery, according to the World Bank. The economic rebound expected in 2021 after the shock of the health crisis will be of unequal magnitude across Africa as a whole, according to the latest World Bank estimates. Djibouti would be the champion of the recovery, with a growth of 7,1% of its Gross Domestic Product. Mauritius is the island of....


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