25 C
Monday 3 March 2025
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Understanding the pay slip

Remuneration elements, bonuses and allowances, duration of work, absences, daily social security allowances, withholding tax… constantly evolving regulations characterize employee pay in France ! Despite a new simplified pay slip, its reading always remains complex and can cause incomprehension or confusion. SO, how to better navigate this maze, comprendre...

How to successfully implement Social Selling in your business

Comment contacter les bonnes personnes au bon moment sur les réseaux sociaux afin de faire gagner de la visibilité et des leads à son entreprise ? Tout décideur, manager ou responsable commercial comme marketing a rencontré cette problématique. Le Social Selling est désormais l’outil indispensable des équipes commerciales pour prospecter en mode multicanal et tirer le meilleur des réseaux...


Insee Focus for the month of March deciphers the economic sector of tableware including France, with 22% of European production, is the leading European producer ahead of Germany and Italy. The trade balance is nevertheless in deficit, except for glass tableware products. E n 2019, la production d’articles de la table atteint...

Balancing the structure and social dynamics of the company

Our business model, based on consumption and excessive use of resources, runs out of steam a little more every day. It is time for our organizations to take stock of their responsibilities and create a new sustainable dynamic, respectful of people and the environment. In this work, l’auteur décrit l’entreprise comme un système vivant qui repose sur trois éléments...

Managing artificial intelligence

Artificial or AI intelligence machines bring out a new complexity in the professional world and in our private lives. L’intrusion d’internet, digital and AI is such that the roles and missions of people are called into question by machines. Many trades and jobs will disappear, Others will be created. Mais tous seront impactés par l’IA...

Managing teleworking and remote working

For a decade, teleworking is experiencing considerable development and this dynamic will continue in the coming years. Today, a third of employees are concerned and by 2030, half of jobs will be teleworked. This method of organization responds to business challenges : agility, flexibility and transversality. Il satisfait aussi les besoins des salariés en matière de...

Seven tips for female entrepreneurs

Last March 8, à l'occasion de la journée de la femme, Bpifrance et l'Etat ont signé un accord-cadre en faveur de l'entrepreneuriat des femmes. L'occasion pour Alexandra da Costa, associate chartered accountant Absoluce, d'encourager les femmes à concrétiser leur projet de création d'entreprise. If companies are still mainly run by men, the trend is favorable to a rebalancing....

The added value of companies in slow growth

Reunionese companies in the commercial sector have created an added value of 7,5 billion euros in 2018, for a turnover of 26 billion, according to the latest figures from INSEE. Over a year, this overall added value has increased slightly, of 74 million euros (1%). Elle n’a augmenté que pour la moitié des entreprises déjà existantes et baissé de...

CBo Territories : €103 million in turnover in 2020

CBo Territoria a réalisé l’an passé un chiffre d’affaires de 103,6 million euros, en recul de 6,4% par rapport à l’année précédente. « Un haut niveau de chiffre d’affaires qui démontre notre résilience », a commenté son PDG Eric Wuillai. La société de La Mare a été impactée par le confinement de mars à mai 2020, qui a entrainé...

A unified social and tax income declaration

From this year, for the income declaration for the year 2020, self-employed people will benefit from a simplification of their declaration procedures, informs the Ministry of Public Accounts. From now on, a single declaration must be made on impots.gouv.fr for the calculation of their personal social security contributions and their income tax. In order to simplify reporting formalities...


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