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Monday 3 March 2025
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Les caisses ont commencé à envoyer leurs plans d'apurement aux entreprises qui avaient reporté le paiement de leurs cotisations. Those most in difficulty can benefit from partial discounts under conditions. Explanations by Virginie Hoscheid-Maugard and Sandra Moucadel, chartered accountant and social center manager at Walter France. Nombreuses sont les entreprises qui ont utilisé la possibilité qui leur était donnée de reporter...

Accounting, finance, business management in practice

Learning accounting, of analytical and financial management is still too often based on tedious terminology and principles stated as they are. With the aim of dusting off accounting and financial concepts generally taught in a forbidding manner, the author proposes an innovative method based on two principles. Rethinking pedagogy : le lecteur est placé en situation de construire...

Driving change in business

Quel est le point commun à tous les décideurs qui doivent conduire le changement ? Définir ce qui doit changer et le traduire dans les faits. And this, avec des enjeux de rapidité d’exécution de plus en plus cruciaux pour l’entreprise. Pour y arriver, les décideurs disposent d’un allié de taille, mais qu’ils connaissent mal : le terrain. Si les décideurs...

Social management control

Personnel costs represent half of a company's structural expenses. It is therefore imperative to control and manage this payroll as well as the workforce., with the objective of economic sustainability of the company. But the reality of social management control goes beyond simple HR dashboards. Quelles sont les techniques à mettre en œuvre...

Hervé Mariton, new president of the Fédom

Hervé Mariton a été élu le 26 mai président de la Fédération des entreprises d’Outre-mer (Fédom), pour cinq ans. Il avait été brièvement ministre de l’Outre-mer en 2007, dans les dernières semaines du second mandat de Jacques Chirac. Il succède à Jean-Pierre Philibert, qui occupait ce poste depuis 2011. Une de ses premières prises de parole a porté sur la nécessité...

Bourbon Wood Experience : appointment made for the opening at the end of the year

As planned by its manager, Morgane Osta Friend, the opening of the construction site of the future Bourbon Bois Expérience manufacturing and production plant, financially supported by the France Relance plan, took place at the beginning of May on the ZAC Roland-Hoarau in Pierrefonds. Morgane Osta Amigo was surrounded by 17 members of her team to receive Gilbert Manciet, sub-prefect at....

The TCO invests in its areas of activity

Le Territoire de la Côte Ouest a présenté fin mai programme pluriannuel de 26,5 millions d’euros d’investissement dans 15 zones d'activités sur les communes du Port, de Saint-Paul, de La Possession et de Saint-Leu, jusqu'en 2027. Ces zones regroupent 734 entreprises sur près de 232 hectares de foncier, ainsi qu’un patrimoine d’infrastructures conséquent (environ 149 000 m2 de surface...

Business transfer | Koytcha launches his barometer

Which businesses will soon be for sale, what are the reasons for this sale, the expectations and claims of the seller ? Who are the buyers ? In which sectors are the transactions most numerous? ? Koytcha Corporate, subsidiary of the Koytcha Group, a décidé d’y voir plus clair sur le marché de la cession d’entreprise à la Réunion...


26% of respondents to a questionnaire distributed by the CCI Réunion in April said they were considering closing their business. Among them, 5% were already in the process of closing, 55% planned to close in the next three months and 40% were considering this outcome but not for three months. 595 companies responded to this questionnaire, belonging to....

The disciplinary power of the employer

The employer has disciplinary power which authorizes him to reprimand an offending employee.. However, this practice is subject to compliance with a strict procedure, under penalty of litigation with the employee, or even a dispute before the industrial tribunal. To avoid reaching this end that is always difficult to live with, le chef d’entreprise doit sécuriser ses pratiques et se poser des...


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