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Sunday 9 March 2025
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Dynamic salaried employment at the end of 2020

The Reunion economy continued its recovery in the 4th quarter of 2020, according to INSEE, having escaped the second confinement established in mainland France. Throughout the year, salaried employment increased by 2%, i.e. a net creation of 5,300 jobs (-1,1% nationally). Job creation in the second half of the year compensated for job losses following the confinement of March 17..

Unemployment still falling slightly

The number of unemployed people required to look for work and without activity, registered with Pôle Emploi in category A, was on average 131,150 in the 1st quarter of 2021 in Reunion, according to the latest official statistics. It went down by 0,8%, or 1,120 people, compared to the previous quarter, and 1,1% over one year....

TO NOTE | Crédit Agricole and youth employment

After the launch in 2020 of its new signature “Act every day in your interest and that of society” via a tribute to those who advance the collective, each in their own way, this time it is more particularly to young people that the bank has chosen to show its support. Still following the rhythm of the title...


Only 42% of Reunionese women worked in 2017, i.e. 8 points less than men, according to INSEE figures published on March 8 on the occasion of Women's Rights Day. This gap has nevertheless decreased in 10 years : it was 13 points in 2007. Reunion Island women are also much less integrated..

Recycling | manufacturers address consumers

On the initiative of Brasseries de Bourbon, three local industrial players (with BB, Bourbon Plastics Packaging and Cycléa) join together to, with the support of the Qualitropic competitiveness cluster, promote the sorting of household waste and recycling in the service of the circular economy. The fact is known : the recyclability rate of household waste has remained desperately stable for years. In cause,...

Produce differently with France Relance

Simplified procedure, quick response, immediate release of funds : this is the other aspect of France Relance, a small revolution in the financing of innovation... The permanent call for tender allows the launch of industrial projects which would undoubtedly not have seen the light of day otherwise, or in a much longer time frame. Projects focused on the ecological and creative transition..

Dynamic salaried employment thanks to ETIs

Between 2008 and 2017, 9,500 jobs were created in the commercial sector, hors agriculture, in the meeting, measured INSEE. In all sectors, employment increased except in construction, particularly impacted by the economic crisis of 2007-2008. Mid-sized companies (ETI) and microenterprises contribute the most to the creation of salaried jobs. This growth....

Public employment : nearly one in three jobs

Fin 2018, 80,900 people worked in the public service in Réunion, almost one in three employed people, according to the latest figures from INSEE. Among them, 9% benefited from a subsidized contract, a share six times higher than in mainland France (outside Île-de-France). Between 2011 and 2018, public employment increased twice as fast in Réunion..

Against illegal work in the landscaping sector

The landscaping sector represents 220 companies in Reunion, i.e. 750 active people including 550 employees. It generates an annual turnover of 45 million euros and is mainly made up of small companies employing on average 2,5 employees offering varied activities : maintenance of parks and gardens, pruning and clearing, petits travaux de jardinage… Le secteur se structure...

Unemployment decline at the end of 2020

The number of job seekers required to look for work and without activity (those in category A) was on average 132,350 in the 4th quarter of 2020 in Reunion, according to the latest official statistics. It went down by 2,4%, or 3,320 people, compared to the previous quarter, and 1,4% over one year. Total name....


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