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Sunday 2 March 2025
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SMEs resisted the crisis

The Image PME study by the Order of Chartered Accountants shows that Reunion SMEs resisted the health crisis relatively well at the end of the first three quarters of 2020.. They saw their turnover reduce by 1,1% over the period, against -8,7% for all French SMEs. If activity contracted sharply in the 2nd quarter (-14%), the...

The number

700 millions d’euros C’est le niveau de progression de l’épargne des ménages réunionnais, measured by Iédom, between December 2019 and September 2020. “This situation is explained by the period of confinement during which consumption was strongly restricted and also by the concern raised by the coronavirus pandemic which favors precautionary savings”, comments the Emission Institute. Les entreprises...

“Circular economy” label for Casud

The Southern Urban Community was awarded the “circular economy” label in January by Ademe, the national agency for ecological transition, during the European Energy Transition Conference held in Dunkirk. And the label, awarded for four years, rewards the actions and projects undertaken by the intercommunity on its territory (Between Two, Saint Joseph, Saint-Philippe et...

The stable poverty rate

39% of Reunion Islanders lived below the metropolitan poverty threshold in 2018, according to INSEE. After having declined significantly between 2007 and 2017, as well as income inequality, the poverty rate remained stable in 2018, due to the deterioration observed in the labor market. Poverty remains much higher than in mainland France (15...


The ADB supports electricity projects. The African Development Bank granted Madagascar a loan of 42 at the end of December,9 million dollars intended to finance the strengthening of the country's electricity network. A very high voltage line (220 000 volts) will be built, over 135 kilometers, between the capital Antananarivo and the city of Antsirabé. In particular, it will make it possible to transport....

What a rebound in the Indian Ocean ?

Uneven economic recovery, according to the World Bank. The economic rebound expected in 2021 after the shock of the health crisis will be of unequal magnitude across Africa as a whole, according to the latest World Bank estimates. Djibouti would be the champion of the recovery, with a growth of 7,1% of its Gross Domestic Product. Mauritius is the island of....


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