After the return of moderate attendance during the 2020-2021 southern summer holidays, passenger numbers collapsed again at Roland Garros airport in February and March. The restrictions imposed by the authorities to curb a new epidemic wave had the immediate consequence of a drop in traffic between Paris and Saint-Denis in February (-67%), qui s’est un...
Le Syndicat mixte de Pierrefonds et la Région Réunion ont signé le 6 mars une convention-cadre portant sur un ambitieux programme d'investissements : 83 millions d’euros en six ans pour faire redécoller l’aéroport sudiste, à l’arrêt depuis le début de la crise sanitaire. L’enveloppe la plus importante (41,5 millions) sera consacrée à l’allongement de la piste sur 300 mètres...
2020 : 245 263
2021 : 120 800
Nombre de passagers à l’aéroport Roland-Garros en janvier.
(source : ARRG)
Roland-Garros airport welcomed 120,800 passengers in January 2021, figure down by 50,7% compared to January 2020. Most of the activity was concentrated on the mainland-Reunion axis. (103,508 passengers), qui enregistre malgré tout une baisse de trafic de 21% par rapport à l’année...
Supplement to its offer on departure from Orly, Air France is preparing to strengthen its overseas service from Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle. Launched last December, connections between Roissy and the Antilles (Pointe-à-Pitre in Guadeloupe and Fort-de-France in Martinique) will see their frequencies increase from March 28, with seven flights per week to and from each of the two islands....
Fin 1993, the airport - which was not yet called Roland-Garros - celebrated its millionth passenger for the first time. Twenty-seven years later, the Reunion platform is almost happy to see its annual traffic cross the one million passenger mark !
It was not taken for granted, a few weeks ago, quand l’obligation de motifs impérieux pour voyager...