As of January 1, 2018, 5,4 million French people (8% of the total population) lived in one of the 1,436 priority neighborhoods of city policy, according to an INSEE study. In the meeting, the 49 Priority Neighborhoods of the City had 159,300 inhabitants on that date, or 19% of the total population of the island. Priority neighborhoods of city policy, whose inhabitants have a median income “dropping” compared to that of the urban unit to which they belong, are located in 801 French communes, or in 2% of municipalities. In the meeting, 13 municipalities out of 24 include at least one QPV, whose perimeters were defined in 2014. It is in Saint-Denis that we have the largest number of inhabitants in QPV (34,300 people). But the share of the population living in these neighborhoods is the highest in the Port (75 %), in St. Louis (34%) and in Saint-Benoît (32%).